



科研成果方面,主持中组部、中宣部、教育部、科技部、文化部、国家广电总局、共青团中央、国家民委、国家外文局、陕西省委宣传部、陕西省市场监管局、陕西省科技厅、陕西省委网信办、陕西省团委等部委厅局项目三十余项。已在《现代传播》《新闻大学》《上海大学学报》《新闻记者》《电视研究》《新闻界》《Computational Intelligence》《Entropy》等期刊发表CSSCI、SSCI和SCI论文四十余篇,并有多篇论文被《新华文摘》《人大复印资料》《高等学校文科学术文摘》全文转载,多篇智库成果被中央领导同志和中宣部、陕西省委采纳。


社会服务方面,担任全球企业传播学会副会长、中国新闻史学会传媒经济委员会常务理事、中国高等院校影视学会理事、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心(简称学位中心)博士/硕士学位论文评审专家、人社部国家博士后基金评审专家、全国哲学社会科学专家库专家、国家社科基金年度项目及后期资助项目通讯评审专家、全国艺术专家库通讯评审专家、国家社科基金成果鉴定专家,国家留学基金委CSC专家库专家、中央电视台电视栏目综合评价专家、中国外文局当代中国与世界研究院新闻发布研究中心专家、中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所“中国舆情调查联盟专业委员会”委员、上海市社会科学创新研究基地特聘研究员、全国高等院校计算机基础教育研究会网络科技与智能媒体设计专业委员会常务委员、陕西省工业和信息化领域专家、陕西省公共文化服务体系建设专家委员会专家、陕西省社科基金评审专家、陕西省新闻奖评审专家、陕西省人才办高层次人才评审专家、陕西省委宣传部讲师团特聘专家、陕西省文化厅公共文化服务体系建设评审专家、陕西省科技厅文化与科技融合项目建设评审专家、陕西省委宣传部文化产业资金重大项目评审专家,陕西省市场监管局舆情专家库负责人等。担任英国Taylor & Francis出版集团图书评审专家、西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)、《甘肃社会科学》、《福建社会科学》等多家CSSCI期刊论文盲审专家等。


教学业绩方面,主编《数据新闻入门教程》(西安交通大学出版社,2016.8)、《数据新闻案例教程》(西安交通大学出版社,2018.6);荣获甘肃省教学成果奖,多届中国数据新闻大赛优秀指导教师;担任人民网舆情数据中心人民慕课和人民邮电出版社“全媒体时代新媒体人才培养系列教材”专家委员会委员等;指导学生获得首届全国高校电影辩论赛冠军及最佳辩手、全国优秀电视节目三等奖、中国数据新闻大赛一等奖、国际大学生微电影盛典纪实类三等奖、“智慧广电建设&广电5G一体化发展”主题征文二等奖(颁奖单位:中国广播电视组织联合会)、西安交通大学“腾飞杯”创新创业大赛奖多次;指导研究生多次获得国家奖学金、西安交通大学优秀学生标兵。教学事迹入选教育部宣传教育中心主办的“非凡十年 我的教育故事”宣传展示活动。







Chen Jiyin,thefull professor at School of Journalism and New Media, Xi'an Jiaotong University, is the founder of China Data Journalism Competition. As one of the most exceptional young scholars in China's journalism and communication academic circles, he is supported by both National High-Level Talent Special Support Plan and the Young Talent Support Plan of Xi'an Jiaotong University. He was also awarded “The Top 100 Excellent TV and Broadcasting Theory Experts” in China. His research interests include: media management and economics, data journalism, TV and Broadcasting, culture industry, audience research and new media. He published more than thirty articles in leading journals in journalism & communications field (indexed in CSSCI). His publications appeared inModern Communication(Journal of Communication University of China)(CSSCI),Journalism Research(CSSCI),Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)(CSSCI),Shanghai Journalism Review(CSSCI),TV Research(CSSCI),Journalism and Mass Communication Monthly(CSSCI),Computational Intelligence(SCI),Entropy(SCI), etc. Based on his academic achievements, he was selected in the bookWho's who of world's leading experts in IDTV, Media management and economics, published Zeljko Rutovic, IAMM-The International Academy for Media Management,. Podgorica, Montenegro, Europe.

In daily work and life, Professor Chen is widely praised as a warm-hearted person with passion and strong pioneering spirit. Apart from his excellent academic performances, he has rich management experience. He used to be the deputy dean of the School of Media and Communication of Northwest Normal University, the deputy director of the Art Education Center of Northwest Normal University, the assistant to the dean of the School of Journalism and New Media of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and the assistant to the dean of the School of Journalism and New Media of Xi'an Jiaotong University. He plays a role as the Vice chairman of Youth Scholars Associaion, Chinese University film and Television Society. Besides, he is also an important member or fellow of many academic institutions and organizations, such as Experts Member of National Art Gallery, CCTV Pograms Evaluation Experts Tank, Shanghai Social Science Innovation Research Base (Cultural Prosperity and New Media Development & Shanghai University), etc.

Currently, Professor Chen is considered as one of the leading researchers in the field of humanities and social sciences at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He has built a research team characterized with complementary disciplines, intersecting arts and sciences. With his efforts, the team is aiming at specialization, internationalization and diversification. At present, there are more than 20 team members, consisting of associate professors, lecturers, domestic visiting scholars, postdoctoral fellows, doctors, masters and international students.

Professor Chen’s team is looking for motivated candidates with following academic backgrounds, including: journalism and communication, computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics, sociology, management, etc. Students who intend to pursue a Ph.D. degree and fresh doctoral graduates are also welcomed to join the team.

Email: 530449458@qq.com, cjyxajd@mail.xjtu.edu.cn